Warminster Soccer Club Parent’s Code of Conduct

By joining as a member of Warminster Soccer Club (WSC), we/I pledge to provide positive support, care and encouragement for my child’s participation in WSC by following this Parent’s Code of Conduct:
  1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or event.
  2. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of the children first at all times.
  3. I will remember that the game is for the children and not for the adults. I will do my very best to make soccer fun for my child.
  4. I will not bring any alcohol or tobacco product into the vicinity of the fields of play.
  5. I will not coach my child or any other player during the game, unless authorized by an official of the WSC. If I do not agree with a coaching or referee decision, I will refrain from vocalizing my concerns in front of any children.
  6. I will treat players, coaches, fans and officials with respect and good manners.
  7. If a coach, official or WSC representative calls to my attention that my child is not treating coaches, players, officials or fans with respect, I will counsel my child on his/her need to do so. I will explain that failure to correct such an attitude may result in disciplinary action by WSC, which may include expulsion.
  8. I will help my child’s team by assisting the coaches and manager as needed. If I fail to abide by the above Code of Conduct, I recognize that I may be barred from attending youth soccer events sponsored by the WSC, at the sole discretion of the WSC Board of Directors. I agree to hold the WSC Board of Directors or representatives harmless.
A copy of this form will be kept on file with the WSC. Please print one for your records. My digital acceptance during registration means I will comply with the Parent’s Code of Conduct.

Warminster Soccer Club Player's Code of Conduct

I hereby pledge to provide a positive attitude and be responsible for my participation in youth soccer by following the WSC Player’s Code of Conduct:

  1. I will attend every practice and game I can, and if I can't make it, I'll let my coach know in advance so they have time to find someone else if needed.
  2. As a recreational player, I will expect to receive a fair and equal amount of playing time.
  3. As a travel player, I realize I may not receive an equal amount of playing time and pledge not to complain to my coach about this.
  4. I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches.
  5. I will treat my coaches, fellow soccer players, fans and officials with respect, good manners and common decency.
  6. I deserve to have fun during my soccer experience and will let my parents/guardians and coaches know if it stops being fun.
  7. I will accept seriously the responsibility and privilege of representing our community and the Club.
  8. I will encourage my parents/guardians to be involved with my team and the Club in some capacity because it is important to me and to the Club.
  9. I will remember youth soccer, as with school, is an opportunity to learn and have fun.
  10. I will strive to treat others as I wish to be treated by others.
  11. I will obey the Laws of the Game as described by US Youth Soccer.