Coaches Corner

Introduction to WSC Coaching


Warminster Soccer Club is delighted to present this coaching resource tab to our greatest asset — the youth soccer coach.

Many great players can trace their success to the coaching that they received at an early age. We hope that you, the youth soccer coach, will one day look back with pride at the opportunities you created for learning and enjoyment. A supportive, child centered, positive experience in youth soccer is vital to the growth of our sport. Far too many soccer coaching books and videos focus solely on the “X’s and O’s” or are written for those who coach players older than age 14. Few of these resources deal with the most important years in player development, ages five through fourteen. Our philosophy of coaching youth soccer places great importance on age-appropriate activities and creating a child centered learning environment.

The attached tabbed information is provided by the WSC board to assist you as you grow here as a coach. Best of luck to you and thank you for all you do!